Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Drugs Used to Treat Bacterial Vaginitis Symptoms

There are plenty of women who may have Bacterial Vaginosis and are not even aware that they have this problem. But most women who realize they do have something wrong are first alerted by the terrible odor coming from their vagina bacterial vaginosis treatment.

If you're young, not sexually active, and you've never experienced candida yeast infection symptoms, you may not realize that you have, in fact, contracted this common and pesky women's condition. If you're a "first-timer," you'll probably have a mom and maybe older sisters, or even close female friends that have already met candida up close and personal. Candida yeast infection symptoms aren't going to go away without treatment. In fact, the symptoms will worsen the longer you leave the infection untreated. Ask someone! Someone whom you trust and aren't embarrassed to discuss such feminine matters with. Chances are very good that any woman you talk with, or even any male physician, will know that you're most likely experiencing candida yeast infection symptoms.

I've Never Had A Candida Yeast Infection. What Are Its Symptoms?

Once you've had this type of vaginal infection, you'll know quickly and accurately when you're experiencing another. This condition is also generically referred to as "vaginitis," but so are other vaginal infections such as trichomonas and bacterial infections.

The candida yeast infection symptoms include itching and burning of the outer vaginal area, redness and inflammation of the labia, and a heavy, odorous vaginal discharge. If you ignore these "red flag" symptoms, the infection may travel to your urethra resulting in one of the most dreaded "female" diseases, the excruciatingly painful urinary tract infection. You may be able to ignore the candida yeast infection symptoms and hope it goes away on its own, but you will never ignore a urinary tract infection caused by the yeast infection! The bloody urine, the constant feeling of needing to urinate, and the intolerable pain upon urination will send you flying to your physician. Fortunately, while you're being treated for the urinary tract infection your physician will also treat the underlying candida yeast infection symptoms that caused this mess to begin with.

It may be very uncomfortable, but your gynecologist will need to do a pelvic examination for you to make sure his/her diagnosis is correct. This isn't a great time for a pelvic exam since your vaginal area is already painful, but keep in your mind that a gynecologist is a specialist; he/she won't do anything unnecessary to cause you more discomfort.

Finally, to correctly identify candida yeast infection symptoms, your gynaecologist will need a urine and blood sample to rule out more serious, even life-threatening conditions like cancer, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, genital herpes, genital warts, and syphilis.

Eddie Lamb publishes an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. This article Identifying Candida Yeast Infection Symptoms, is just one of a host of useful articles about Yeast Infections listed on our site map at Yeast Infection Explained.

drugs used to treat bacterial vaginosis: cures for bacterial vaginosis

drugs used to treat bacterial vaginosis: cures for bacterial vaginosis

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